Your CV – your offer

To build a partnership with a boss can be a challenge. Trust, openness, giving and receiving feedback as a real empowering gift instead of criticism, requires substantial investment on both sides.
One of the exercises we practice, is Personal Product Model, a systemic approach to employer/employee relationship: my employer/boss is my customer, after signing a contract I start providing him with my service.
We care about the good atmosphere at work, it’s so much easier to achieve our goals when people are not stressed.
Well communicated offer is a must for any company. It usually defines a core of a product/service, fields of possible application and expected results of purchase.
Your Personal Product is:
- A name or a description of your service/product
- Areas where it can be used (in regard to business processes)
- Results that can be expected after application the product (from the business process perspective)
- Financial and other conditions of cooperation
Send us your answers and CV at We get back to you immediately after recognizing the way a cooperation with you is a strong support in achieving our mission. Thank you.